Friday 28 September 2018

Headteacher's Weekly Review

Dear Parents/Carers,

We extend a warm welcome to the 12 Spanish students who are visiting us and sampling the English education system.  They have integrated well, not least as their uniforms are very similar to ours!   Our Year 9 and 10 students have been excellent hosts and Woking High School students studying Spanish have benefited from lots of extra speaking practice.

Our final Curriculum Evening for Years 8 and 9 was very well-attended and it was great to have the opportunity to speak to parents about the curriculum and pastoral support in place for the year. If you were unable to attend, the presentation is now on the website. Just a reminder that we will have an Options Evening for Year 9 parents on Monday 4th February 2019 at 6 p.m., where we will provide further information about the Options process. If you were unable to attend, a copy of the powerpoint slides is on the website

Please may I draw your attention to a number of safeguarding issues.

•        As I am sure you are aware, there have been a number of recent safeguarding issues affecting the local area. A police statement was issued on Wednesday with regards to criminal activity in and around Woking Town centre. Our safeguarding leads at the school are always kept informed of any relevant safety matters by the Surrey Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub team and the Surrey Safeguarding Children’s Board and agree on pertinent actions together when any concerns arise.

Woking High School did have Surrey Police in to deliver an assembly on knife crime recently and this was booked at the start of the year and is part of our ongoing PSHE programme for students at the school. Our PSHE curriculum educates students on the many aspects of keeping themselves safe, including sessions led by the Growing Against Violence charity on understanding the dangers of gang culture, social media and violent and graphic music. We have a close working relationship with the Police and have been made fully aware of the national initiative, Operation Sceptre and any pertinent local safety issues. If any of our students are ever affected in any way, an agreed package of support is put in place for them and monitored by our Designated Safeguarding Lead team.
•        In addition to this we have our local Police liaison officer in school for a whole day twice every half term; this was also something that was in place during the last academic year. The primary aim of this initiative is to make the Police more visible to students and staff and improve positive engagement with the Police service.
•        The advice we always give to our students is the same as that included in the release by Surrey Police earlier today in that they should take care when they are out and about by staying vigilant and always being aware of their surroundings, to not advertise their valuables and to always try to stay with their friends if possible.
•        Our school gates are on a timed entry system.  The front gates (Morton Road) are open from 7.00-8.55 a.m. and are then opened on demand during the school day, operated from our main office.  The back gates (Horsell Rise) close at 8.55 a.m. so students need to ensure that they are in school before that time if they are accessing the school site from Horsell Rise.
•        The school site is open from 8 a.m.–4.30 p.m. for students, unless they are competing in school events which start at an earlier time or which finish later than 4.30 p.m.

Today we joined with many other organizations across the country that held a Macmillan Coffee Morning. As well as a wonderful array of edible goodies, money was raised from a tombola and loose change jars.  So far we have collected £320 for this fantastic cause.

I attach a copy of a letter giving you information about a nationwide event involving Headteachers from across the country.  As I am sure you are aware, schools are facing very difficult financial circumstances and, whilst understanding the fiscal pressures on government, Headteachers feel that the proposed National Funding Formula for schools is not adequately funded.  As a result, under the banner of the “Worth Less?” campaign, Headteachers, including those from Surrey, are endeavouring to make their voices heard and have presented a petition to the Chancellor asking for proper investment for our schools.

Advanced notice of two events happening next week.  Firstly, following the delightful production of ‘The Sound of Music’ last year, PIE Productions’ second project is well underway. It was announced this week that the 2019 school production will be ‘Grease: School Edition’ by special arrangement with Theatrical Rights Worldwide. ‘Grease: School Edition’ features the book, music and lyrics by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey, featuring additional songs by arrangement with Robert Stigwood. Auditions will be taking place on Monday 1st October in the Main Hall from 3.30-5.30 p.m. The audition is open to students from all year groups, and students may find details of what they need to prepare on the student shared drive in the PIE Productions folder. The auditions are really good fun, and designed to alleviate any nerves that the students may feel; consequently, students will be participating in group performances and sing-alongs. In addition, students need to ensure that as the evenings are getting darker, they have methods of getting home. The final production is due to be performed over three days (12th-14th February 2019). The whole school has been buzzing with excitement this week at the announcement; we suspect that the students will make the casting process very difficult, but we are very much looking forward to seeing the abundance of talent that Woking High School students have to offer.

Secondly, a reminder that school will close for students at 12 noon on Tuesday 2nd October in order for staff to prepare for our annual Open Evening, which takes place from 5.30-8.30 p.m. that evening.

Best wishes,

Jane Abbott