Friday 14 June 2019

Headteacher's Weekly Review

Dear Parents/Carers,


On one of the wettest June days on record, our intrepid Year 7s (RIDG) embarked on the annual Curriculum Challenge. In keeping with the theme of “challenge”, Year 7s took the weather in their stride. The purpose of the camp was to challenge the students physically, mentally and socially through completing a number of problem-solving and team building activities, for which points were awarded. Students developed many of the Woking High character traits including resilience and responsibility. All of the students rose to the challenges offered and didn’t seem to mind the early morning starts, washing up or getting wet and muddy!! They also experienced the forest at night, where night hikes were combined with the teachers’ favourite ghost stories! All the staff involved agreed that it was a pleasure to take such an enthusiastic and committed group of students.


Wednesday saw the penultimate Day 11 of 2018/19 with many Year 7 on camp, those in school took part in a variety of different school based activities. Year 8s focused on code breaking – some visiting Bletchley Park, others working in Maths gained an insight into World War 2 code breaking and the work of Alan Turing and his colleagues to crack the German Enigma machine. Across two sessions, students solved problems involving Caesar shifts, Keyword and Vigenere ciphers before putting all of their skills into practice with a “Murder Mystery” activity in the Maths department. Yet more ‘code breaking’ language translations took place with students helping to dub Disney films!  In the afternoon there was a Drama visit to see Annie at the New Victoria Theatre. Our Year 9 ASDAN group spent the day at Wisley, whilst the majority of the year group spent half of Day 11 in Science, where they found out about the challenging conditions an astronaut might encounter on Mars.  They then designed and carried out an experiment to identify the best material to use to make the astronaut’s spacesuit. The other half of the day was spent on PE activities. Year 10 statistics students had immersion sessions prior to their GCSE on Thursday.  All others seized the chance to participate in an intensive study day on their Shakespeare text, Romeo and Juliet.  Of course, Year 11s are continuing with their final GCSE exams. We wish them continued good luck for the remainder and then look forward to the NRA on 26th June and the Prom on the 27th June.


As always, I am delighted that Woking High School has such great links with, and support from, the community.  Please may I remind you of the Horsell Garden safari which is to take place next weekend (22nd/23rd June).  On a related note, the school roll is absolutely full (1200 students) and we have waiting lists for places in every year group.  It would really help the school, and those families who wish to secure a place here, if you would contact the Admissions Registrar on if you know you are moving at the end of this academic year.  Sometimes, with all that has to be done when a move takes place, telling the school falls off the list! Many thanks in advance.


St Peter’s Hospital in Chertsey, is hosting a community open day on Saturday 6th July. Not only is this a great opportunity to see behind the scenes at the hospital, it’s a great place to talk to HR people about careers in the NHS.  Please see attached for more information.


Congratulations go to Eleanor Verrier and Harry Davies in Year 10 who have formed a duo called Taylor's House - they write together and then Eleanor sings and creates the album covers and art work while Harry plays the instruments and produces the songs. Their first album, called Mixture of Emotion, is available on iTunes, YouTube, Spotify, and other music streaming services.  


Finally, please see attached information from the Friends of Woking High School Flash Fundraiser. The school is creating a new outdoor space for the students to socialise and eat outside regardless of the weather and the Friends require help to purchase four heavy duty recycled plastic picnic benches. Many thanks as always for your support.


Best wishes,


Jane Abbott
