Friday 8 February 2019

Headteacher's Weekly Review

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thanks to the sterling efforts of our Site Team and Affinity water, the burst water main, which was responsible for the school closure on Friday, has been mended and we once again have a water supply.  Thank you for your support and understanding regarding this matter.

Year 9 are now half way through their final Key Stage 3 year and our focus is on preparing them for KS4, GCSEs and beyond.  To that end, Year 9 students participated in an Options assembly on Monday morning and Mrs Walter presented to parents, whilst representatives of all GCSE Subject areas met with parents, on Monday evening, as part of our Options Fayre.

We were very pleased to welcome so many parents and students to this important event – there was a real buzz of enthusiasm at the fayre. Parents and students made the most of the opportunity to talk to departments about the option subjects on offer and fed back that they felt well-informed about the options process and the requirements of the subjects that the students are considering taking.

If parents wish to meet with Mrs Walter to discuss a student’s individual choices this can be arranged by contacting Mrs Allen in the front office.

On Wednesday morning the Friends of Woking High School gathered for their Spring meeting.  This was preceded by the opportunity to attend Year 7 assembly which focused on Safer Internet day (SID).

At the meeting, we quite rightly celebrated the fact that in December, the Friends had reached their goal of raising £10,000 towards a new minibus. Other topics on the agenda included allocations of funds to the Library, EAL department, Production and Music. Discussions for a new ‘flash fundraiser’ will be held with the School Council in the coming weeks and shared with you next term.

In March, representatives of the Friends will attend a presentation hosted by the Woking Rotary Club where the school will receive a donation as a result of participating in the Swimathon last October.

Our Senior team were overall winners last night at the District Semi-Final of the Rotary Club National Youth Speaks competition, held at Bushy Hill School in Merrow. Alana Lynch, Madeleine McClements and Isabel Metcalfe were praised by the judges for their teamwork and natural style, a winning formula that seemed to tip the scales in our favour against tough competition from four rival schools, all winners in their local heats. St Catherine’s School in Bramley, Farnborough Hill School, The Wavell School and a surprise late entry from Ash Manor all put on magnificent performances, but our winning team prevailed and will now go on to the District Final on Saturday March 2nd. We remain hugely proud of our students’ success in this prestigious competition and look forward to their next performance.

Please do not forget to secure your tickets for our School Production “Grease – School Edition” - a limited number of tickets are still available on Tuesday, 12th February at 4 p.m., please see attached letter for details of how to book your tickets. Refreshments will be available during the interval, so please bring some money with you if you wish to purchase hot/cold drinks; popcorn; ice-creams or cakes and contribute to the FoWHS donation bucket.

Please see attached letter and flyer regarding a course from the Susan Handy School of Dance which is an independent dance school that offers GCSE Dance to anyone aged 13+ and also the attached information from Woking Leisure Centre for their holiday activities taking place in February, Easter, May and Summer.

Best wishes,

Jane Abbott